Pollinator Garden and Succulent Garden
The succulent and the pollinator gardens are reminders of our responsibility to care for the world God created. Our earth is changing, and we need to be good stewards of our natural resources. Not only do succulents require less water but they also help clean carbon dioxide out of the air.

Scripture & Prayer
At FUMC Westfield, we seek to love God and love everyone. We commit to follow Jesus in word and action. We care for our community and congregation by sowing seeds of grace, love, and joy.
God saw everything God had made and behold it was very good. Genesis 1:31
Creator God, I sometimes take the gift of your amazing creation for granted. Help me to do what I can to care for the Earth. Amen.
Love In Action
Plant flowers that attract birds, bees and butterflies.
Consider planting a succulent garden.
When replacing appliances, invest in energy efficient models.
The cars we drive are big producers of carbon dioxide. Choosing to carpool, use public transportation, or drive a low emission vehicle will help significantly reduce our contribution to these pollutants.
Find out more about how succulents help clean the air of carbon dioxide. How Succulents Combat Global Warming by Debra Lee Baldwin
Succulents help save water. Find out more. Do Succulents Help Save Water?
Read more about the United Methodist Church’s views about climate justice. Climate Justice / GBCS
Here are some ways that we can all do something about climate change. Ways United Methodists can combat climate change.
What plants attract pollinators? Great Pollinator Plants for New Jersey
How can pollinator gardens help our planet? Find out more. Why plant a pollinator garden?
What is environmental justice? The origins of environmental justice—and why it’s finally getting the attention it deserves.
Experience the Gardens
You’re welcome to walk, rest, and fully experience the gardens of FUMC during daylight weekday hours and daylight weekend hours. We hope the gardens bring you peace and you experience the presence of God’s unconditional love and embrace.