Latest Covid Updates
FUMC Westfield is a caring community committed to spreading love not germs. It is strongly encouraged that people wear masks during worship regardless of vaccination status as an expression of care for one another, including children under 12 who aren’t able to be vaccinated. FUMC Westfield will continue to follow the CDC and New Jersey state COVID guidelines adapting as needed. We will look to the guidance being used in local schools for singing.
For those who want to ensure more than six feet of social distance, the two outermost sections of pews will be roped off so that there is plenty of space between individuals/families.
For those who do not feel comfortable gathering in person, there are wonderful alternative worship options including worshiping together online via our website, YouTube, and Facebook. Small groups will continue to have online options. Sunday fellowship hour on Zoom will continue. Children’s fall programming will meet outside as much as possible and students and adults will mask if inside.
Thank you for your continued commitment to spreading love not germs and your flexibility as the situation around us changes.
Stay informed with latest updates and ways to connect.
Please let us know how we can serve you during this time. Please use the button below for help, prayer, suggestions, or concerns.