Vegetable Garden / Pepper Garden / Herb Garden
These gardens were created by FUMC Westfield as a way for us to put Love into Action as we work to end hunger by providing hungry neighbors with fresh seasonal produce. In tending the garden, we are reminded that God provides us abundant ways to care for and love each other by caring for the world in which we live.

Scripture & Prayer
At FUMC Westfield, we seek to love God and love everyone. We commit to follow Jesus in word and action. We care for our community and congregation by sowing seeds of grace, love, and joy.
Share your food with everyone who is hungry. Isaiah 58:7
Creator, we thank you for the gift of food and water which nourish our bodies and minds. May we honor that gift by ensuring that all of your children are fed and loved. Help us in our work to end hunger. Keep our eyes, minds and hearts open to the ways we can best serve you in caring for one another. Amen.
Love In Action
Pick a day each month to make and drop off bulk sandwiches to the Daily Bread program at St Joseph’s Service Center in Elizabeth.
Become a Garden Volunteer at FUMC Westfield to help grow and deliver nutritious fresh produce to our neighbors in need.
Join the FUMC Westfield Pumpkin Patch team to raise funds and awareness of food insecurity as we work to feed the hungry.
Connect with the people who experience food insecurity and hunger by volunteering with a local food pantry or feeding program such as the Westfield NJ Food Pantry or the St Joseph’s Soup Kitchen.
Learn about the root causes of hunger including Adverse Childhood Experiences and discover ways to help mitigate those causes.
Contact state and federal legislators to express your support for programs that address the root causes of hunger.
September is Hunger Action Month - find or lead a local activity to help end hunger in the United States.
October 16th is World Food Day - learn more and set aside this day to take action.
Pick a day each month to make and drop off bulk sandwiches to the Daily Bread program at St Joseph’s Service Center in Elizabeth.
Become a Garden Volunteer at FUMC Westfield to help grow and deliver nutritious fresh produce to our neighbors in need.
Join the FUMC Westfield Pumpkin Patch team to raise funds and awareness of food insecurity as we work to feed the hungry.
Connect with the people who experience food insecurity and hunger by volunteering with a local food pantry or feeding program such as the Westfield NJ Food Pantry or the St Joseph’s Soup Kitchen
Learn about the root causes of hunger including Adverse Childhood Experiences and discover ways to help mitigate those causes.
Contact state and federal legislators to express your support for programs that address the root causes of hunger.
September is Hunger Action Month. Find or lead a local activity to help end hunger in the United States.
October 16th is World Food Day. Learn more and set aside this day to take action.
Experience the Gardens
You’re welcome to walk, rest, and fully experience the gardens of FUMC during daylight weekday hours and daylight weekend hours. We hope the gardens bring you peace and you experience the presence of God’s unconditional love and embrace.