At the vision retreat on October 23, folks emphasized how community is essential to the many things we do as a church. FUMC builds community through faith, care, and outreach. One meeting for each of these areas has been scheduled for November. All are welcome to work on putting ideas into action that carry us forward as a vital community of Jesus followers in 2022 and beyond. Share your talents, make connections and be a part of the community planning.
Outreach Wed, Nov 16 at 7pm
in person and via Zoom (Zoom Meeting Link)
Focus: How do we want to continue to reach out to the wider community through service?
Faith Wed, Nov 30 at 7pm
in person and via Zoom
Focus: What are next steps for continuing to create community through worship and age-based ministries?
Care Sun, Nov 20 just after worship
Focus: To provide nurture and care for the FUMC Westfield community and beyond, through 1) creation of new needs-based small groups, 2) care for the home-bound and others in need, 3) building connection, purpose and appreciation amongst ourselves, and 4) assurance of welcoming spaces in our building. You can help plan and support specific future activities of the Care Community by becoming involved in specific programs, events, or small groups. We'll meet on November 20th after church to discuss how best to achieve the goal to build and improve ways we care for people in our community. If you would like to participate but cannot make it on the 20th, or if you have any questions, please contact Kirk Huber (908-419-7993;