In-Person Worship Latest
UPDATE / May 18
We want to thank everyone for your faithful cooperation, good-heartedness, and patience as we have navigated the Covid-19 pandemic together. You have made a difference in spreading love and not germs. We celebrate that to our knowledge, there was no spread of Covid through FUMC Westfield events. We also celebrate that as a church, we have adapted quickly and well to new ways of doing things. Our online worship and online presence have grown and improved throughout the pandemic. As an example, in the next month, we’ll celebrate five baptisms, three for new families who have been worshipping with us online.
As vaccinations increase and cases decrease, the Reopening Team is happy to share the following update:
+ No RSVPs: Going forward, we won’t be taking RSVPs for Sunday worship except in situations when we expect to get close to capacity. We also won’t take temperatures.
+ Masks and Distance: While the CDC has changed its indoor mask recommendations for people who are vaccinated, the State of NJ is still requiring masks and distancing for indoor events with mixed groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. We also want to be welcoming to anyone who would like to join us for worship, including children under 12 who cannot get the vaccine. We will communicate any changes to this guideline as the overall vaccination percentage rises and cases decrease.
+ Music: On Sunday, June 20, Father’s Day, FUMC Westfield plans to re-introduce congregational singing (with masks) and the choir will sing for us! Mark your calendars!
+ Small Groups: Small groups and meetings are welcome to gather in the building. We encourage groups to offer a Zoom option. Contact the church office for details about setting up Zoom in the Fellowship Room. Small groups of people who meet in the building may choose to take off masks if everyone in the group is fully vaccinated.
+ Food: Starting July 1, groups are welcome to enjoy food in the building, provided that distancing guidelines can be maintained.
+ Outdoor Events: FUMC Westfield will be planning outdoor events throughout the summer so we can enjoy the beautiful church grounds and show our active presence in the community. Stay tuned!